Old Zvon materials

⇒ interactive index to zvon materials
The first Zvon materials appeared in the year 1999 and Zvon became one of the first Internet sites devoted to XML technologies.

For several years Zvon was sleeping and while still providing some useful information to a few thousands developers each day, its value has been slowly deteriorating.

The new Zvon has been brought up to date with many new materials and more advanced interface, but as this transformation is a time consuming process there are still some materials which were not updated. This reference provides access to the original materials.

Translations represent a specific problem to be solved in (hopefully) near future and so at this moment they are available only in their original form.

Some materials from the old website are planned to be discontinued and some could be overlooked. At this moment they are still available at the address: old.zvon.org (missing clickable link is intentional, I would prefer not to have it indexed by search engines). Drop me a note if you still consider them worthwhile to transform to the new system). I cannot promise but I may try.

Prepared by:
  • Miloslav Nic (Mila)
  • Krystof Dibusz - with special thanks from Mila for bringing many materials to more suitable shape :)

Old Zvon materials

starts with contains (at least 3 characters needed)