right of ownership

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right of ownership

The term right of ownership occurs in indexes or keywords of following Zvon materials:
Slavery Convention (1926) : right of ownership [Keywords]
slavery is the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised.
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery (1956) : right of ownership [Keywords]
the complete abolition of debt bondage, serfdom, forced marriage, women and children transfer without right to refuse
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998) : right of ownership [Keywords]
an International Criminal Court is hereby established. It shall be a permanent institution and shall have the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of international concern
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1979) : right of ownership [Keywords]
moon and other celestial bodies within the solar system, other than the earth; include orbits around or other trajectories to or around them; does not apply to extraterrestrial materials which reach the surface of the earth by natural means
Zvon keyword: right of ownership
starts with contains (at least 3 characters needed)