
⇒ interactive index to zvon materials


The term specialist occurs in indexes or keywords of following Zvon materials:
Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice (1978) : specialist [Keywords]
all human beings belong to a single species and are descended from a common stock; they are born equal in dignity and rights and all form an integral part of humanity
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe - Final Act - Helsinki 1975 (1975) : specialist [Keywords]
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
Convention on Technical and Vocational Education (1989) : specialist [Keywords]
all forms and levels of the educational process involving, in addition to general knowledge, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, know-how, attitudes and understanding relating to occupations in the various sectors of economic and social life
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) : specialist [Keywords]
cultural heritage: architectural works, monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings, groups of buildings, sites (works of man or the combined works of nature and man)
Zvon keyword: specialist
starts with contains (at least 3 characters needed)