<!DOCTYPE ideg [ <!ELEMENT ideg ( dog, cat, catowner+ )> <!ELEMENT dog ( #PCDATA )> <!ELEMENT cat ( #PCDATA )> <!ELEMENT catowner ( #PCDATA )> <!ATTLIST dog id ID #REQUIRED > <!ATTLIST cat id ID #REQUIRED > <!ATTLIST catowner pet IDREF #REQUIRED> ]> <ideg> <dog id="danny" >Danny</dog> <cat id="bede" >Bede</cat> <catowner >Harold</catowner> <catowner pet="poochi" >Fumiaki</catowner> <catowner pet="danny" >Jimmy</catowner> <catowner pet="bede" >Rick</catowner> </ideg>
Pattern: Required IDREF
An element of type catowner should have a pet attribute.
Pattern: IDREF should reference an ID used in the same document
An element of type catowner should have a pet attribute that should contain a unique identifier.
Pattern: IDREF should reference an ID of a certain element type only
An element of type catowner should have a pet attribute that should contain the unique identifier for a cat.
An element of type catowner should have a pet attribute that should contain the unique identifier for a cat.