ZVON > References > XSLT Reference
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Element: <output>

attributes: method, version, indent, encoding, media-type, doctype-system, doctype-public, omit-xml-declaration, standalone, cdata-section-elements
Standard excerpt:
An XSLT processor may output the result tree as a sequence of bytes, although it is not required to be able to do so. The xsl:output element allows stylesheet authors to specify how they wish the result tree to be output. If an XSLT processor outputs the result tree, it should do so as specified by the xsl:output element; however, it is not required to do so. A stylesheet may contain multiple xsl:output elements and may include or import stylesheets that also contain xsl:output elements. All the xsl:output elements occurring in a stylesheet are merged into a single effective xsl:output element. For the cdata-section-elements attribute, the effective value is the union of the specified values. For other attributes, the effective value is the specified value with the highest import precedence. It is an error if there is more than one such value for an attribute. An XSLT processor may signal the error; if it does not signal the error, if should recover by using the value that occurs last in the stylesheet. The values of attributes are defaulted after the xsl:output elements have been merged; different output methods may have different default values for an attribute. Examples (xslt:xml): Overview
1:1 2:1 3:2 4:2 5:2 6:2 7:2 8:2 9:2 10:2 11:2 12:2 13:2 14:2 15:2 16:1 17:3 18:4 19:5 20:1 21:6 22:6 23:6 24:2 25:1 26:7 27:7 28:7 29:7 30:7 31:3 32:3 33:3 34:3 35:3 36:8 37:8 38:8 39:9 40:8 41:9 42:2 43:2 44:2 45:8 46:2 47:2 48:2 49:2 50:10 51:10 52:2 53:11 54:12 55:12 56:2 57:2 58:8 59:13 60:3 61:3 62:2 63:2 65:3 66:2 67:2 68:2 69:2 70:2 71:2 72:2 73:2 74:2 74:14 75:15 76:16 77:2 78:17 79:17 80:18 81:19 82:19 83:18 84:2 85:4 86:2 87:8 88:8 89:8 90:8 91:8 92:8

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