ZVON > References > XSLT Reference
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Element: <text>

attributes: disable-output-escaping
Standard excerpt:
Literal data characters may also be wrapped in an xsl:text element. This wrapping may change what whitespace characters are stripped (see [3.4 Whitespace Stripping]) but does not affect how the characters are handled by the XSLT processor thereafter. Examples (xslt:xml): Overview
1:1 2:1 8:2 16:1 17:3 18:4 19:5 25:1 31:3 32:3 33:3 36:8 37:8 38:8 39:9 40:8 41:9 43:2 45:8 46:2 47:2 48:2 49:2 50:10 51:10 52:2 53:11 54:12 55:12 56:2 57:2 58:8 59:13 60:3 61:3 62:2 63:2 66:2 67:2 68:2 69:2 70:2 71:2 72:2 74:2 74:14 76:16 77:2 78:17 79:17 80:18 81:19 82:19 83:18 84:2 85:4 86:2 87:8 88:8 89:8 90:8 91:8 92:8

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