Based on the international standard ISO 8601: Data elements and interchange formats
Date indentified by month and day numbers
complete representation
full date |
basic notation: CCYYMMDD |
extended notation:
19890312 (12th March 1989)
1989-03-12 (12th March 1989)
representation with reduced precision
specific month |
basic notation: CCYY-MM |
extended notation:
not applicable |
2000-02 (February 2000)
specific year
basic notation: CCYY |
extended notation:
not applicable |
1988 (year 1988)
specific century
basic notation: CC |
extended notation:
not applicable |
19 (20th century)
truncated representations
specific date in the current century |
basic notation: YYMMDD |
extended notation:
000108 (8th January 2000)
00-01-08 (8th January 2000)
specific year and month in the current century
basic notation: -YYMM |
extended notation:
-YY-MM |
-0003 (March 2000)
-00-03 (March 2000)
specific year in the current century
basic notation: -YY |
extended notation:
not applicable |
-56 (year 2056)
specific day of a month
basic notation: --MMDD |
extended notation:
--MM-DD |
--0806 (6th August)
--08-06 (6th August)
specific month
basic notation: --MM |
extended notation:
not applicable |
--05 (May)
specific day
basic notation: ---DD |
extended notation:
not applicable |
---06 (6th day)
Date identified by week and day numbers
complete representation
full date |
basic notation: CCYYWwwD |
extended notation:
CCYY-Www-D |
2052W086 (24th February 2052(Saturday))
2052-W08-6 (24th February 2052(Saturday))
representation with reduced precision
a week in the specific year |
basic notation: CCYYWww |
extended notation:
CCYY-Www |
2016W06 (6th week of the year 2016)
2016-W06 (6th week of the year 2016)
truncated representation
year, week and day in the current century |
basic notation: YYWwwD |
extended notation:
YY-Www-D |
52W086 (24th February 2052(Saturday))
52-W08-6 (24th February 2052(Saturday))
year and week in the current century
basic notation: YYWww |
extended notation:
YY-Www |
16W06 (6th week of the year 2016)
16-W06 (6th week of the year 2016)
year, week, and day of the current decade
basic notation: -YWwwD |
extended notation:
-Y-WwwD |
-7W103 (7th March 2007 (Wednesday))
-7-W10-3 (7th March 2007 (Wednesday))
week and day of the current year
basic notation: -WwwD |
extended notation:
-Www-D |
-W014 (6th January 2000 (Thursday))
-W014 (6th January 2000 (Thursday))
week of the current year
basic notation: -Wwww |
extended notation:
not applicable |
-W25 (25th week of the year)
day of the current week
basic notation: -W-D |
extended notation:
not applicable |
-W-5 (Friday of this week)
day of any week
basic notation: ---D |
extended notation:
not applicable |
---5 (Friday)
Time of the day
complete representation
full time |
basic notation: hhmmss |
extended notation:
hh:mm:ss |
150603 (15 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds)
15:06:03 (15 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds)
representations with reduced precision
hours and minutes |
basic notation: hhmm |
extended notation:
hh:mm |
0608 (6 hours 8 minutes)
06:08 (6 hours 8 minutes)
basic notation: hh |
extended notation:
not applicable |
03 (3 hours)
decimal fractions
fraction of seconds |
basic notation: hhmmss,s | hhmmss.s |
extended notation:
hh:mm:ss,s | hh:mm:ss.s |
064312,234 (6 hours 43 minutes 12.234 seconds)
064312.234 (6 hours 43 minutes 12.234 seconds)
06:43:12,234 (6 hours 43 minutes 12.234 seconds)
06:43:12.234 (6 hours 43 minutes 12.234 seconds)
fraction of minutes
basic notation: hhmm,m | hhmm.m |
extended notation:
hh:mm,m | hh:mm.m |
0643,12 (6 hours 43.12 minutes)
0643.12 (6 hours 43.12 minutes)
06:43,12 (6 hours 43.12 minutes)
06:43.12 (6 hours 43.12 minutes)
fraction of hours
basic notation: hh,h | hh.h |
extended notation:
not applicable |
06,125 (6.125 hours)
06.125 (6.125 hours)
truncated representations
specific minute and second of the hour |
basic notation: -mmss |
extended notation:
-mm:ss |
-0804 (8 minutes 4 seconds)
-08:04 (8 minutes 4 seconds)
specific minute of the hour
basic notation: -mm |
extended notation:
not applicable |
-08 (8th minute)
specific second of the minute
basic notation: --ss |
extended notation:
not applicable |
--07 (7th second)
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
full date |
basic notation: hhmmssZ |
extended notation:
hh:mm:ssZ |
061223Z (6 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds UTC)
06:12:23Z (6 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds UTC)
hours and minutes
basic notation: hhmmZ |
extended notation:
hh:mmZ |
0612Z (6 hours 12 minutes UTC)
06:12Z (6 hours 12 minutes UTC)
basic notation: hhZ |
extended notation:
not applicable |
06Z (6 hours UTC)
differences between local time and UTC
local time ahead |
basic notation: hhmmss+hhmm | hhmmss+hh |
extended notation:
hh:mm:ss+hh:mm | hh:mm:ss+hh |
051207+0100 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in Prague)
051207+01 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in Prague)
05:12:07+01:00 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in Prague)
05:12:07+01 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in Prague)
local time behind
basic notation: hhmmss-hhmm | hhmmss-hh |
extended notation:
hh:mm:ss-hh:mm | hh:mm:ss-hh |
051207-0500 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in New York)
051207-05 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in New York)
05:12:07-05:00 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in New York)
05:12:07-05 (5 hours 12 minutes 7 seconds in New York)
Combination of date and time
calendar date and local time
complete representation |
basic notation: CCYYMMDDThhmmss |
extended notation:
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
20021207T062307 (7th December 2002 in 6 hours 23 minutes 7 seconds)
2002-12-07T06:23:07 (7th December 2002 in 6 hours 23 minutes 7 seconds)
examples of reduced representation
basic notation: anyTany |
extended notation:
anyTany |
030303T12 (12th hour of the 3rd March 2003)
03-03-03T12 (12th hour of the 3rd March 2003)
Periods of time
complete representations
period identified by its start and end |
basic notation: CCYYMMDDThhmmss/CCYYMMDDThhmmss |
extended notation:
not applicable |
20000812T161223/20050505T050505 (period from 16 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds of 12th August 2000 till 5 hours 5 minutes 5 seconds of 5th May 2005)
period represented by its duration
basic notation: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS | PnW |
extended notation:
not applicable |
P12Y6M24DT6H12M23S (period of 12 years 6 months 24 days 6 hours 12 minutes and 23 seconds)
P23W (period of 23 weeks)
period represented by its start and its duration
basic notation: CCYYMMDDThhmmss/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS |
extended notation:
not applicable |
20000423/P5Y4M12DT3H23M9S (period of 5 years 4 months 12 days 3 hours 23 minutes 9 seconds starting on 23 April 2005)
period represented by its end and its duration
basic notation: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/CCYYMMDDThhmmss |
extended notation:
not applicable |
P5Y4M12DT3H23M9S/20000423 (period of 5 years 4 months 12 days 3 hours 23 minutes 9 seconds ending on 23 April 2005)