ZVON > References > MathML Reference

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Attributes:class | color | fontfamily | fontsize | fontstyle | fontweight | id | mathbackground | mathcolor | mathsize | mathvariant | other | style | xlink:href | xref |
Parents:apply | bvar | ci | cn | condition | csymbol | declare | degree | domainofapplication | fn | interval | lambda | list | logbase | lowlimit | maction | math | matrix | matrixrow | menclose | merror | mfenced | mfrac | mlabeledtr | mmultiscripts | momentabout | mover | mpadded | mphantom | mroot | mrow | msqrt | mstyle | msub | msubsup | msup | mtable | mtd | mtr | munder | munderover | otherwise | piece | reln | semantics | set | uplimit | vector |
Children:malignmark | mglyph |


XHTML documentMathML Source
<mtext> Theorem 1: </mtext>
<mtext> &ThinSpace; </mtext>
<mtext> &ThickSpace;&ThickSpace; </mtext>
<mtext> /* a comment */ </mtext>
XHTML documentMathML Source
     <mo> there exists </mo>
               <mi> &delta; </mi>
               <mo> &gt; </mo>
               <mn> 0 </mn>
          <mo> such that </mo>
                    <mi> f </mi>
                    <mo> &ApplyFunction; </mo>
                         <mo> ( </mo>
                         <mi> x </mi>
                         <mo> ) </mo>
               <mo> &lt; </mo>
               <mn> 1 </mn>
XHTML documentMathML Source
--- Theorem 1: if
<mi>x</mi> > 1, then
<sup>2</sup> >