ZVON > References > VoiceXML Reference
Attributes: | bridge | cond | connecttimeout | dest | destexpr | expr | maxtime | name |
Parents: | form |
Children: | audio | catch | dtmf | enumerate | error | filled | grammar | help | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value |

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<form name="transfer">
     <var name="mydur" expr="0"/>
          <audio src="chopin12.wav"/>
     <transfer name="mycall" dest="phone://18005551234" connecttimeout="30s" bridge="true">
               <assign name="mydur" expr="mycall$.duration"/>
               <if cond="mycall == 'busy'">
                    <prompt> Sorry, our customer support team is busy serving other customers. Please try again later. </prompt>
                    <elseif cond="mycall == 'noanswer'"/>
                    <prompt> Sorry, our customer support team's normal hours are 9 am to 7 pm Monday through Saturday. </prompt>
          <submit namelist="mycall mydur" next="/cgi-bin/report"/>