ZVON > References > XHTML Reference
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Element: button
Attributes: | accesskey | class | dir | disabled | id | lang | name | onblur | onclick | ondblclick | onfocus | onkeydown | onkeypress | onkeyup | onmousedown | onmousemove | onmouseout | onmouseover | onmouseup | style | tabindex | title | type | value | xml:lang |
Parents: | a | abbr | acronym | address | applet | b | bdo | big | blockquote | body | caption | center | cite | code | dd | del | dfn | div | dt | em | fieldset | font | form | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | i | iframe | ins | kbd | label | legend | li | noscript | object | p | pre | q | s | samp | small | span | strike | strong | sub | sup | td | th | tt | u | var |
Children: | #PCDATA | abbr | acronym | address | applet | b | basefont | bdo | big | blockquote | br | center | cite | code | del | dfn | dir | div | dl | em | font | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | hr | i | img | ins | kbd | map | menu | noscript | object | ol | p | pre | q | s | samp | script | small | span | strike | strong | sub | sup | table | tt | u | ul | var |

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Subscribe to ZVON.org and Systinet (feat. IdooXoap and Smart Transcoder) mailing lists. Check the box with the list name you want to subscribe, fill your email adress and push the button.

Soon you'll get confirmation message. You have to reply if you want to subscribe. Please follow included instructions, also if you would like to unsubscribe.

ZVON Systinet

Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

<p>Subscribe to ZVON.org and Systinet (feat. IdooXoap and Smart Transcoder) mailing lists. Check the box with the list name you want to subscribe, fill your email adress and push the button.</p>
<p>Soon you'll get confirmation message. You have to reply if you want to subscribe. Please follow included instructions, also if you would like to unsubscribe.</p>
<form action="http://zvon.org/site/list_reg.php" method="post">
          <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="zvon"/> ZVON
          <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="systinet"/>Systinet
          <input type="text" name="email" size="15" value="your email"/>
          <button type="submit" value="subscribe" name="submit">
               <img src="zvon.gif" alt="Zvon.org"/>