ZVON > References > XHTML Reference
   Transitional XHTML   Frameset | Strict | >> Transitional << |  [Comparison]

Go to Standard
Element: tfoot
Attributes: | align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | onclick | ondblclick | onkeydown | onkeypress | onkeyup | onmousedown | onmousemove | onmouseout | onmouseover | onmouseup | style | title | valign | xml:lang |
Parents: | table |
Children: | tr |

Your browser display:
...header information...
...footer information...
...first row of block one data...
...second row of block one data...
...first row of block two data...
...second row of block two data...
...third row of block two data...
Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

               <th>...header information...</th>
               <th>...footer information...</th>
               <td>...first row of block one data...</td>
               <td>...second row of block one data...</td>
               <td>...first row of block two data...</td>
               <td>...second row of block two data...</td>
               <td>...third row of block two data...</td>