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Module: Time
Function: toCalendarTime
Type: ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime
Description: toCalendarTime t converts t to a local time, modified by the timezone and daylight savings time settings in force at the time of conversion

Example 1
Program source: 

import Time

main = do t <- getClockTime
          x <- toCalendarTime t
          print (toUTCTime t)
	  print x

Output: CalendarTime{ctYear=2002,ctMonth=March,ctDay=25,ctHour=13,ctMin=15,ctSec=10,ctPicoSec=0,ctWDay=Monday,ctYDay=83,ctTZName="",ctTZ=0,ctIsDST=False}

Output: CalendarTime{ctYear=2002,ctMonth=March,ctDay=25,ctHour=14,ctMin=15,ctSec=10,ctPicoSec=0,ctWDay=Monday,ctYDay=83,ctTZName="",ctTZ=0,ctIsDST=False}