Own properties:
Inherited properties:
The CSSPrimitiveValue interface represents a single CSS value. This interface may be used to determine the value of a specific style property currently set in a block or to set a specific
style property explicitly within the block. An instance of this interface might be obtained from the getPropertyCSSValue method of the CSSStyleDeclaration interface. A CSSPrimitiveValue object only occurs in a context of a CSS property.
Conversions are allowed between absolute values (from millimeters to centimeters, from degrees to radians, and so on) but
not between relative values. (For example, a pixel value cannot be converted to a centimeter value.) Percentage values can't
be converted since they are relative to the parent value (or another property value). There is one exception for color percentage
values: since a color percentage value is relative to the range 0-255, a color percentage value can be converted to a number;
(see also the RGBColor interface).
An integer indicating which type of unit applies to the value:
- 0 = CSS_UNKNOWN (of type unsigned short)
The value is not a recognized CSS2 value. The value can only be obtained by using the cssText attribute.
- 1 = CSS_NUMBER (of type unsigned short)
The value is a simple number. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 2 = CSS_PERCENTAGE (of type unsigned short)
The value is a percentage. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 3 = CSS_EMS (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (ems). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 4 = CSS_EXS (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (exs). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 5 = CSS_PX (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (px). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 6 = CSS_CM (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (cm). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 7 = CSS_MM (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (mm). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.
- 8 = CSS_IN (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (in). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 9 = CSS_PT (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (pt). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.
- 10 = CSS_PC (of type unsigned short)
The value is a length (pc). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 11 = CSS_DEG (of type unsigned short)
The value is an angle (deg). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 12 = CSS_RAD (of type unsigned short)
The value is an angle (rad). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 13 = CSS_GRAD (of type unsigned short)
The value is an angle (grad). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 14 = CSS_MS (of type unsigned short)
The value is a time (ms). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 15 = CSS_S (of type unsigned short)
The value is a time (s). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 16 = CSS_HZ (of type unsigned short)
The value is a frequency (Hz). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 17 = CSS_KHZ (of type unsigned short)
The value is a frequency (kHz). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 18 = CSS_DIMENSION (of type unsigned short)
The value is a number with an unknown dimension. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue() method.
- 19 = CSS_STRING (of type unsigned short)
The value is a STRING. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue() method.
- 20 = CSS_URI (of type unsigned short)
The value is a URI. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue() method.
- 21 = CSS_IDENT (of type unsigned short)
The value is an identifier. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue() method.
- 22 = CSS_ATTR (of type unsigned short)
The value is a attribute function. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue() method.
- 23 = CSS_COUNTER (of type unsigned short)
The value is a counter or counters function. The value can be obtained by using the getCounterValue() method.
- 24 = CSS_RECT (of type unsigned short)
The value is a rect function. The value can be obtained by using the getRectValue() method.
- 25 = CSS_RGBCOLOR (of type unsigned short)
The value is a RGB color. The value can be obtained by using the getRGBColorValue() method.