ZVON > References > VoiceXML Reference |
Intro / Search / ZVON |
Element: | else |
Parents: | | if | |
Description: | Go to Standard |
<vxml version="1.0"> <form id="getdriverlicense"> <var name="birthday" expr="'1980-02-10'"/> <field name="drivelicense"> <grammar src="http://grammarlib/drivegrammar.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/> <prompt> Please say your driver’s license number. </prompt> <filled> <if cond="validdrivelicense(drivelicense,birthday)"> <var name="status" expr="true"/> <else/> <var name="status" expr="false"/> </if> <return namelist="drivelicense status"/> </filled> </field> </form> </vxml> |
<form id="getssn"> <var name="firstname"/> <var name="lastname"/> <field name="ssn"> <grammar src="http://grammarlib/ssn.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/> <prompt> Please say social security number. </prompt> <filled> <if cond="validssn(firstname,lastname,ssn)"> <assign name="status" expr="true"/> <return namelist="status ssn"/> <else/> <assign name="status" expr="false"/> <return namelist="status"/> </if> </filled> </field> </form> |
<if cond="total > 1000"> <prompt>This is way too much to spend.</prompt> <throw event="com.xyzcorp.acct.toomuchspent"/> </if> <if cond="amount < 29.95"> <assign name="x" expr="amount"/> <else/> <assign name="x" expr="29.95"/> </if> <if cond="flavor == 'vanilla'"> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'v'"/> <elseif cond="flavor == 'chocolate'"/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'h'"/> <elseif cond="flavor == 'strawberry'"/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'b'"/> <else/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'?'"/> </if> |
<if cond="total > 1000"> <prompt>This is way too much to spend.</prompt> <throw event="com.xyzcorp.acct.toomuchspent"/> </if> <if cond="amount < 29.95"> <assign name="x" expr="amount"/> <else/> <assign name="x" expr="29.95"/> </if> <if cond="flavor == 'vanilla'"> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'v'"/> <elseif cond="flavor == 'chocolate'"/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'h'"/> <elseif cond="flavor == 'strawberry'"/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'b'"/> <else/> <assign name="flavor_code" expr="'?'"/> </if> |
<form> <subdialog name="result" src="#getdriverslicense"> <param name="birthday" expr="'2000-02-10'"/> <filled> <submit next="http://myservice.example/cgi-bin/process"/> </filled> </subdialog> </form> <form id="getdriverslicense"> <var name="birthday"/> <field name="drivelicense"> <grammar src="http://grammarlib/drivegrammar.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/> <prompt> Please say your driver's license. </prompt> <filled> <if cond="validdrivelicense(drivelicense,birthday)"> <var name="status" expr="true"/> <else/> <var name="status" expr="false"/> </if> <return namelist="drivelicense status"/> </filled> </field> </form> |
<form id="survey_2000_03_30"> <catch event="exit"> <goto nextitem="confirm_exit"/> </catch> <block> <prompt> Hello, you have been called at random to answer questions critical to U.S. foreign policy. </prompt> </block> <field name="q1" type="boolean"> <prompt>Do you agree with the IMF position on privatizing certain functions of Burkina Faso’s agriculture ministry?</prompt> </field> <field name="q2" type="boolean"> <prompt>If this privatization occurs, will its effects be beneficial mainly to Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso?</prompt> </field> <field name="q3" type="boolean"> <prompt>Do you agree that sorghum and millet output might thereby increase by as much as four percent per annum?</prompt> </field> <block> <submit next="register" namelist="q1 q2 q3"/> </block> <field name="confirm_exit" type="boolean"> <prompt>You have elected to exit. Are you sure you want to do this, and perhaps adversely affect U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis sub-Saharan Africa for decades to come?</prompt> <filled> <if cond="confirm_exit"> Okay, but the U.S. State Department is displeased. <exit/> <else/> Good, let’s pick up where we left off. <clear namelist="confirm_exit"/> </if> </filled> </field> </form> |
<vxml version="1.0"> <var name="username"/> <form id="buysoftware"> <var name="ccn"/> <var name="exp"/> <grammar/> <initial name="start"> <prompt> Please tell us the software product you wish to buy and the operating system on which it must run. </prompt> <noinput> <assign name="start" expr="true"/> </noinput> </initial> <field name="product"> <prompt> Which software product would you like to buy? </prompt> </field> <field mname="operatingsystem"> <prompt> Which operating system does this software need to run on? </prompt> </field> <subdialog name="cc_results" src="http://somedomain.example/ccn.vxml"> <filled> <if cond="cc_results.status=='no_result'"> Sorry, your credit card information could not be Obtained. This order is cancelled. <exit/> <else/> <assign name="ccn" expr="cc_results.creditcardnum"/> <asssign name="exp" expr="cc_results.expirydate"/> </if> </filled> </subdialog> <block> We will now process your order. Please hold. <submit namelist="username product operatingsystem ccn exp"/> </block> </form> </vxml> |