ZVON > References > VoiceXML Reference
Attributes: | cond | expr | name |
Parents: | form |
Children: | audio | catch | enumerate | error | help | link | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value |

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<form id="get_from_and_to_cities">
     <grammar src="http://www.directions.example/grammars/from_to.gram"/>
     <block> Welcome to the Driving Directions By Phone. </block>
     <initial name="bypass_init">
          <prompt> Where do you want to drive from and to? </prompt>
          <nomatch count="1"> Please say something like "from Atlanta Georgia to Toledo Ohio". </nomatch>
          <nomatch count="2"> I’m sorry, I still don’t understand. I’ll ask you for information one piece at a time.
               <assign name="bypass_init" expr="true"/>
     <field name="from_city">
          <grammar src="http://www.directions.example/grammars/city.gram"/>
          <prompt>From which city are you leaving?</prompt> … etc. …
     </field> … etc. …

<vxml version="1.0">
     <var name="username"/>
     <form id="buysoftware">
          <var name="ccn"/>
          <var name="exp"/>
          <initial name="start">
               <prompt> Please tell us the software product you wish to buy and the operating system on which it must run. </prompt>
                    <assign name="start" expr="true"/>
          <field name="product">
               <prompt> Which software product would you like to buy? </prompt>
          <field mname="operatingsystem">
               <prompt> Which operating system does this software need to run on? </prompt>
          <subdialog name="cc_results" src="http://somedomain.example/ccn.vxml">
                    <if cond="cc_results.status=='no_result'"> Sorry, your credit card information could not be Obtained. This order is cancelled.
                         <assign name="ccn" expr="cc_results.creditcardnum"/>
                         <asssign name="exp" expr="cc_results.expirydate"/>
          <block> We will now process your order. Please hold.
               <submit namelist="username product operatingsystem ccn exp"/>

<vxml version="1.0">
     <property name="caching" value="safe"/>
     <property name="audiofetchhint" value="safe"/>
     <property name="confidence" value="0.75"/>
          <property name="confidence" value="0.5"/>
          <property name="bargein" value="false"/>
          <grammar src="address_book.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
               <prompt> Welcome to the Voice Address Book </prompt>
          <initial name="start">
               <property name="timeout" value="5s"/>
               <prompt> Who would you like to call? </prompt>
          <field name="person">
               <prompt> Say the name of the person you would like to call. </prompt>
          <field name="location">
               <prompt> Say the location of the person you would like to call. </prompt>
          <field name="confirm" type="boolean">
               <prompt> You said to call
                    <value expr="person$.utterance"/> at
                    <value expr="location$.utterance"/>. Is this correct?
                    <if cond="confirm">
                         <submit next="http://www.messagecentral.example/voice/make_call" namelist="person location"/>

<form id="weather_info">
     <grammar src="cityandstate.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
          <prompt bargein="false"> Welcome to the weather information service.
               <audio src="http://www.online-ads.example/wis.wav"/>
     <initial name="start">
          <prompt> For what city and state would you like the weather? </prompt>
          <help> Please say the name of the city and state for which you you would like a weather report.</help>
          <noinput count="1">
          <noinput count="2">
               <assign name="start" expr="true"/>
     <field name="state">
          <prompt>What state?</prompt>
          <help>Please speak the state for which you want the weather.</help>
     <field name="city">
          <prompt>Please say the city in
               <value expr="state"/> for which you want the weather.
          <help>Please speak the city for which you want the weather.</help>
               <if cond="city == 'Los Angeles' && state == undefined">
                    <assign name="state" expr="'California'"/>
     <field name="go_ahead" type="boolean" modal="true">
          <prompt>Do you want to hear the weather for
               <value expr="city"/>,
               <value expr="state"/>?
               <if cond="go_ahead">
                    <prompt bargein="false">
                         <audio src="http://www.online-ads.example/wis2.wav"/>
                    <submit next="/servlet/weather" namelist="city state"/>
               <clear namelist="start city state go_ahead"/>