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>> Example 22 << | Prev | Next

The div operator performs floating-point division, the mod operator returns the remainder from a truncating division. The floor function returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number that is not greater than the argument and that is an integer.The ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number that is not less than the argument and that is an integer.
//BBB[position() mod 2 = 0 ]
Select even BBB elements

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//BBB[ position() = floor(last() div 2 + 0.5) or position() = ceiling(last() div 2 + 0.5) ]
Select middle BBB element(s)

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//CCC[ position() = floor(last() div 2 + 0.5) or position() = ceiling(last() div 2 + 0.5) ]
Select middle CCC element(s)

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